These Vengeful Hearts by Katherine Hearts | English and Spanish review

Thank you Netgalley for the advance reading copy of the book. 

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English and spanish review

English review
I love secret society trope so much, this one in particular? Not, necessarily 

I was scared to admit it out loud, but I couldn’t see the line in the sand anymore. If there was a boundary I wouldn’t cross to get what I wanted, I wasn’t sure what it was. And that, more than anything else, terrified me.
These Vengeful Hearts is a very entertaining thriller YA, with the expectation of trying to figure it out who the queen of heart is, but after the first half of the story I lost it. It’s a quick fun read but nothing else.

You see, in this institute there is a secret society called Red Court, students ask for favors, but everything has a cost. When something scandalous happens at Heller High, the Red Court will always be on the student´s talks. - Well, apparently is a not so secret society - then we have Ember who wants to get revenge, since her sister has been one of the victims of this secret society.

What causes me conflict in this is the heap of inconsistencies in the story; everyone knows about this secret society, so why haven't the authorities dismantled it? And, the truth is, the members are quite stupid and very careless.

Like I said, the history lost me in the end. The outcome was the least interesting thing that could have happened, the love interest in the story was so annoying and cringey. The thread was lost, and the story came to nothing.

conclusion: it is not the best story, but it's entertaining.

Review en español 

Como me encantan las sociedades secretas, ¿está en particular? No, necesariamente. 

These Vengeful Hearts en un thriller YA que te mantiene muy entretenido, con la expectativa de saber quién será la reina de corazones, pero después de la mitad se pierde toda la historia. Es una lectura ligera y divertida, pero nada más. 

Verán, en este instituto hay una sociedad secreta llamada Red Court, les hace favores a los estudiantes, pero, todo tiene un costo. Cuando en Heller High pasa algo escandaloso, la orden secreta siempre estará en los labios de los estudiantes. – bueno, al parecer no tan secreta – luego, tenemos a Ember que se quiere vengar de la orden, ya que su hermana ha sido una de las victimas de esta sociedad secreta. 

Lo que me causa conflicto de esta historia es el montón de incongruencias que tiene la historia; todo el mundo sabe de esta sociedad secreta, entonces ¿Cómo no la han desmantelado? Y, la verdad, los integrantes son bastantes estúpidos y muy descuidados.

Rate: 2/5 estrellas

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